Starting form the farm, in small groups, Emmanuel will take you to his herd of bulls and will introduce you to the natural wealth of the area, following paths, swamps and rice fields, for finally reaching the Vaccarès pond. Our horses are easy-going and everyone, from novice to experienced, can enjoy this ride. Horses are the best way to approach rare species living in the marshes, like the bee-eater, falcons or, of course, pink flamingos.


Various types of outdoor activities are possible (Mountain bike, canoë, walking. You will find here the available tours of the Natural park of Camargue). Those activities will give you the opportunity to discover the wealth of our natural diversity, as well as the traditions, the History or the cultural and architectural heritage of Camargue.

Our farmhouse is situated in the middle of a triangle joining Nîmes, Avignon and Marseille. So you will be able, very shortly, to access the main festivals (Photography festival in Arles, The very colorful and world-wide famous theater festival in Avignon and many others in Aix-en Provence or Montpellier) or the “ferias” in Arles and Nîmes.

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